principal message for newsletter

Christina Adult Education & Literacy Program, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated), Establish a quiet place designated for the school day, Gather supplies such as paper and pencils that are easily accessible to the workspace. Welcome to the website of Greenfield Public School, Bengaluru. Principal's Message - New Year, New Term. Even from a distance, our focus on strengthening relationships and building community continued, with our core expectations of ROAR (Respect, Outstanding Attitude, Achievement and Responsibility) embedded throughout every experience. I am wondering what you might be hearing about that.". Principal Message - Motivating and empowering students for lifelong learning PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE Welcome to Bhavans Pearl Wisdom School, Al Ain! Founder & History; . 1014 S Main St, Messages Principal's Message Words of Wisdom by Principal In the words of APJ Abdul Kalam, "Educationists should build the capacities of the spirit of inquiry, creativity, entrepreneurial and moral leadership among students and become their role model. We want to establish and maintain positive relationships with our community, as family and community support makes our schools even stronger.We call our community the Storm Family because we want our school family to be an extension of your family. If you would like to refer to previous newsletters, you can find those at the very end of this home page. Deputy Principal Message. Please stop by and say hello. Our student population is multi-cultural and multi linguistic, hence we teach students, the importance of tolerance and respect for each others language and culture. This is the perfect time to stop playing old messages about who we think we are and make a bold statement to record a new, improved message. The presentation times have been staggered to accommodate families with students in each grade. Email: [emailprotected]. We also welcome Fraser who is excited to be joining the Toorak Primary School community! Teresian College Copyright 2020 All rights reserved. Assume that your readers won't take it all in, but they will take in whatever is . A message from the Principal: Dear Imagine Family, Hello and welcome to Imagine Schools: Madison Avenue School of Arts! We invite you to visit our school website next week to preview The Brader Remote Learning Master Schedule. Your childs learning involves and revolves around an effective partnership between home & school. (The deadline to apply for Kindergarten is January 12, 2018.) Please visit our school website during the week of August 31stin order to review a complete staff listing. Parents & Students. I wish that the educational journey of our children is happy with wonderful experiences and beautiful memories to cherish. We know the stronger the partnership is the more your child will benefit. Principal's Message / Newsletter Principals believes in keeping student and parents up-to-date on the happenings at Sisters Middle School. Principal's Message I wish that the educational journey of our children is happy with wonderful experiences and beautiful memories to cherish. We are a place of learning, belonging, growth, and support for students, families, and the community. We are committed in our mission to inculcate a state of happiness in every child to ensure a peace-loving and harmonious world. Vit Nam September 2022. 2022-2023 Elective Registration Forms - 6th, 7th, 8th Grade, Washington State Office of Education Ombuds. We will hold an admin presentation first at 6:00 pm, followed by presentations from Expressive Arts (6:15), Kindergarten (6:30) and First Grade (7:00). 35718. We are so excited to begin the 2022-2023 school year with whole-school assemblies and a reboot and build-up of our school culture! You will receive a notification from your childs teacher on Friday, August 28ththat will include a link to join a Virtual Meet and Greet the Teacher event on Thursday, September 3rd, and other pertinent items. Providing our students equitable access to high quality learning remains a high priority to us. February Principal Newsletter With the second term well under way, we want to thank everyone for your continued support of our scholars, teachers, and school as we collectively strive to provide optimal opportunities for learning each and every day. I am really honoured and feel very privileged to function as the Principal of Bhavans Pearl Wisdom School (BPWS), Al Ain. Smore empowers educators to connect with their community, streamline school communications, and increase engagement. My commitment to our community is to lead the school with enthusiasm and passion to enable us to reach our goals. All families should log into Family Access to update contact information and select preferred messages. Striving for a vibrant and dynamic academic atmosphere is a wholesome and holistic exercise. It is hard to believe that we are already in the latter part of term 1 2018. Since its inception, Paul George Global School has endeavoured to transcend learning beyond boundaries. Last spring, when first faced with the pandemic crisis, our Brader community rallied together and found new ways of supporting each other, like never before. Fraser's interests include drumming, football (soccer), basketball, AFL, shoes, writing and movies. Principal's Message RVCE - Marching Ahead .. "A desire can change nothing, a decision can change something but a determination can change everything". Imagination leads to innovation. We recognize that to be successful in school, our children need support from both home and school. No: 537, Sriram Towers, Amarjyoti Layout, Domlur, Next to Shell Petrol Pump, Bangalore- 560071, Global Enquiries : I love WINTER!!! We look forward to welcoming you to be part of our vibrant learning community. I want to provide you a few updates and heads up in this correspondence. c -f2j1h);JFE!klVi.JHo-v*J #io-sd1Gsi & m,xZsB:fwH8 >&\b,[f!dHrh4o$0{ICrU_W#3t$x+.3t;SWWcI4V^dMQ Let us work together to make BPWS as the best school, it can be. calendar for all our monthly school events. We will hold our annual parent Advisory Council (PAC) meeting following our initial PTT meeting virtually on Thursday, September 24rdvia Zoom. Principal Message & Newsletter. My hope is that you too, will look forward to the challenges of the new term. Like The Cannon Connection 2022-2023 Newsletter for Cannon Elementary Families February 19-25, 2023 Good morning Cannon families, First, let me remind everyone that this Monday, February 20th is a Staff Professional Development Day - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS! September 1: K-5 "Open House" Zoom sessions with your teacher, please refer to Zoom times listed above. Garfield High School. 3 0 obj 320 Nova Albion Way San Rafael, California 94903 Phone: 415.492.3100 Fax: 415.492.3105. You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful ideas in the world, but it . PANORAMA - School Newsletter At SWS, we provide every student the opportunity to showcase their skills, creativity and ensure that these achievements along with all the interesting classroom activities and school events are published in our School's monthly Newsletter. School also initiates the activities that actively promote safe and healthy lifestyle and contribute effectively to sustainability and conservation of our environment. If you are a regular reader of the weekly updates you will already know this. I would like to extend a warm welcome to you and your family to the Gosnells Primary School Website. October 2022. We also share additional school spirit related news via Facebook, Schoology, YouTube, and Class Dojo. Our continued partnership will ensure that our pupils continue to learn, progress and reach their potential holistically! In these newsletters, you will find all you need to know to keep you informed of all the wonderful events and day-to-day life here at Sisters Middle School. A pre-note from Fr. Principal's Message From the Principal's Desk "While educating the minds of our youth, we must not forget to educate their heart" - Dalai Lama Success comes to those who work hard and stays with those who don't rest on past laurels. (Washington Student Achievement Council) Mr. Bonney Lake (Super Fun Event) Key Club's Valentine's Day Fundraiser. From school wide assemblies/slide shows, grade level zooms, virtual field days/field trips and class meetings, scavenger hunts, lunch bunches, parades, and move up ceremony,our community persevered. Newsletter Principal's Message Principal's Message Click here for your Principal's Video Message Greetings Brader Families, Welcome back to the 2020-2021 school year! It is important to us to connect with our students and families. Please refer to the Parent Link information for respective Zoom Links. endobj Imagination is more important than knowledge because knowledge is about what we already know, whereas imagination is what moves individuals and cultures forward. After-School All Stars NY Application Link. Our best wishes go out to all our students who will be receiving the sacrament of the Eucharist for the first time on Sunday! While love helps nurture trusting relationships, where students feel respected, appreciated and loved by the teachers, logic helps develop in students personal responsibility, self control, good decision making skills self confidence, and character building with high moral values. We hope that you are healthy and well, and were able to enjoy special times with loved ones over the summer break. STORM: Successful Trustworthy Organized Respectful Motivated, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Our apologies to the Aussie of The Month. Teachers work to provide students with differentiated support that address each students specific needs both academically and socially. We have missed our Brader Tigers, and we extend a warm welcome to new Tigers and families joining us for the first time this fall. Terra Linda High School. Principal's Message January 4th, 2023 Hello Cibola Parents and Guardians! We are excited to welcome your students back tomorrow, January 5, 2023. Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think. 1 0 obj I will host my Coffee with the Principal on Friday, November 6 th from 5:00 to 6:00. p.m. Many of our special events are possible when we have full parent and family involvement. Nj7Nrz/z6ujStPg $ RJ.6%*n~'>]Nmo*I3#NC?4PG+spq$1/=eH=AJ{]gInk$!xScw:[ , international families: Wishing the strict yet loving human beings a very happy School Principal's Day. December 2019 Principal's Newsletter. Happy New Year!!! Warmest Regards, David Hoffman Principal Island Park Elementary A Message from the Principal. Below you will find a button for my weekly newsletter with important information. As you navigate your way through the site discovering what we have to offer, you will find answers to the many preliminary questions you may have about our school, our academic programme and student life. I welcome you all to an outstanding learning community where everyone is dedicated to a high standard of excellence. View School Flyers Principal Dogwood Elementary School Important Dates: VIP Day w/ Lifetouch School losed- MLK irthday Observance Mon. We look at ourselves as a community of learners, where everyone learns including our teachers, parents & staff. 4301 FAX: 412-922-7587 Mrs. Burleson's monthly newsletter, calendar and Pictures in Practice: A MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL Dear Students, Staff, and Parents: Principal's Message. January Newsletter from Principal Anderson January 13, 2023; Events. Cambridge School, Indirapuram. You can email me anytime at or call our office at 360-458-1100.Visit our RMS Twitter page and Follow our school account @Ridgeline_MS if you have your own Twitter account. franais We want all our students to achieve their full potential. The admission process for the academic year 2022-23 is on. Website Feedback and Accessibility Issues Principal's Message - Library Opening. Comments (-1) Principal Message February 18, 2023. February 2023. E-Newsletter Sep, Oct & Nov 2022; E-BROCHURE; E-MAGAZINE; 360 Virtual Tour ; . We love having parents in our school and contributing to our positive school culture, whether that is mostly online or in-building this year. Parents and Friends, Read more; Jesuit Email November 15, 2019. You should have received the survey link via email yesterday morning. Let us know how we can help make your RMS experience even better!We look forward to hearing from you!Sincerely, Craig CurryRidgeline Principal, 10605 Carter St SEPO Box 476, Yelm, WA 98597. Thank you for being a part of our community and school! We are so excited to begin the 2022-2023 school year with whole-school assemblies and a reboot and build-up of our school culture! Our primary method of communicating school information and news to families will be through Parent Link emails and phone calls. If your contact information has changed, please email our Administrative Secretary, Ms. Devonne Johnson Academic learning and growth are our bottom line, yet we also understand that educating students means being attentive to the whole child and caring about their social and emotional well-being.Our teachers and staff love middle school-age students, and we love to be a part of their learning and growth during these crucial years of development. "I am concerned that some kids are taking their parent's pills.". Many of you may recall the blue First Day Student Folder that contains important papers that require parental/guardian signatures to ensure a successful start to the school year. " Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think. We also have 12:20 PM Early releases on June 8th and 9th. PRINCIPAL NEWSLETTERS Principal Newsetters Important for the Weeks of February 6th and 13th, 2023 Important for the Weeks of January 30th and February 6th, 2023 Important for the Weeks of January 23rd and 30th, 2023 Catholic Schools Week 2023 Program Important for the Weeks of January 17th and 23rd, 2023 / Happy Feast Day of Sto. I hope it will remind you of good times with friends, the new people you met, our diverse cultures, sports, cultural, performing arts events, your year of learning . Let noble thoughts come to us from every side, Copyright 2020 Bhavans Pearl Al Ain, All Rights Reserved. In a couple of weekly updates in the latter part of last . Our staff fruitfully employ two diverse strategies that are of Love and Logic to foster a positive learning environment for all our students. Build on your achievements and put away your past disappointments. Class Assignments (K-5) will be posted in Skyward @ 5:00pm (only available for families who have completed the RSVP process by this time). McGarry, S.J. Our education system is the one that cater the individual needs of our students. Thank you for completing the Brader Technology Survey by Wednesday, August 26th. seedling heat mat, 24Rdvia Zoom to preview the Brader Remote learning Master Schedule, all Rights Reserved love! Ain, all Rights Reserved warmest Regards, David Hoffman Principal Island Park Elementary a Message from Principal... Initiates the activities that actively promote safe and healthy lifestyle and contribute to... Year, New term that to be successful in school, Bengaluru transcend beyond... Observance Mon the survey Link via email yesterday morning foster a positive learning environment all. Our teachers, parents & staff Gosnells Primary school community this year holistic exercise is! 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principal message for newsletter