olympians react to god of war fanfiction

Using the Blade of Olympus, Kratos stabbed Zeus multiple times before being stopped by Athena. But having an Olympian god as a father does have its fair share of problems. It is super annoying to me. Ares wanted a perfect warrior who could help him overthrow Zeus, thus allowing Ares to rule Olympus for himself. Percy was a storm of destruction and death, every enemy before him was rent unto death; from monsters, the traitor gods and demigods, and the Titans under Kronos' command. This is a relationship fic more than porn with plot. Even so, Atreus knows his bond with his father will be forged to even greater strengths because of what they'll go through together; past, present, and future. Maybe his family and friends can help him. A supportive community for writers, readers, and reccers to talk about and share FanFiction. How and when a deity can continue his existence through this way is still unclear. Though Thanatos, the Furies and the Sisters of Fate are Gods, they are not affiliated with the Olympians. Kratos breaks free of her sludge trap and manages to snatch the Eyes from Alecto, who retreats deeper into her sanctum before she realized they were gone. She doesnt know. She revealed that he was Zeus' son and that a vicious cycle of revenge had been passed down by his bloodline. Zeus had forbidden the gods from waging war on each other and so Athena looked to Kratos for help. Next he targeted Camp Half-Blood, his children there attacking their friends, comrades and even lovers, killing some and injuring many more. While able to sustain great levels of damage, some Gods have been shown to die by injuries fatal to mortals. She had already been gifted with a child however, who was born from the head of Zeus. Quickly, he pretended the fire's ashes were getting the best of him. Please consider turning it on! "There it is" Kota started to aim his bow "Hold" Izuku said but Kota shot his arrow but missed his shot, Kota grunted but Izuku was pissed, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING, know it's guard is up" Izuku said while taking Kota's bow awayKota was scared to see this version of deku because he wasn't the nice one but calmed down a little when deku hugged him with a calm smileIzuku calmed downed a bit, "only fire when I tell you to fire" "I'm sorry" Kota said while looking down "Do not be sorry be better" Izuku saidAizawa got his phone out to record the lineDenki: "uh what are you doing"Aizawa: "I'm going to use that phrase and use it against all of you" he said while smirking The class was now scared but they looked back at the screen"Find it" Izuku said, Kota tried to get his bow back but Izuku pulled it away "Find. However, Orkos' continuing requests ultimately forced Kratos' hand. Many of the minor gods left the Olympians for the Titans, but the greatest of the betrayals came from Ares himself, the Olympian God of War. When the time came that the last of his children, Zeus, was to be swallowed, Rhea could not bear another such loss. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX. Skyward Sword- A set of snippets of them playing Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. Athena also placed the essence of Hope inside the box, as a means to counteract the Evils in the event that the box was ever opened. Other characters related to them such as Rhea, Prometheus and Kratos himself also possess this specific trait. Protecting her father, she flung herself in front of Kratos and was stabbed instead. He stopped and just stood there. However Mimir was nonetheless fascinated by the power of the Gods of Greece, as he heard the gods there wielded every flavor of power one could imagine. He did, however, and after Hera goaded him even more, calling Pandora a "little whore", he snapped her neck. You will pay for this Zeus, be certain of that You will never control your fate, Kratos! God of War won Game of the Year 2018. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. With Clarisse and her siblings dealt with, Percy barely managed to make it in time to stop Ares and Kronos from destroying the thrones of the gods. Fullmetal Alchemist- There is an ongoing set of snippets covering their watching of Fullmetal Alchemist - currently up to episode 18. 'Oh great, my second least favourite Goddess out of the Olympians.' Jakob thought with a scowl. After mercilessly beating Hercules to death, Kratos fell into the sewers. Upset by this very fact, the gods became enraged with Kratos defiance and Zeus began to fear for his life. Athena left, disappointed by Kratos's actions, and the rule of the Olympian gods came to an end. The color that seems to represent the gods of Olympus is. This is what happened to Athena and, for a short period of time, to Zeus. Maybe they'll never make it back home, but maybe they can find something here instead. I honestly don't care how well-written these fics are (and some of them do appear to have correct grammar and everything), the whole jaune-replacement just throws everything off for me. Thrud gets irritated from stress, Modi makes it worse for a moment. Zeus was given domain over the heavens and was ultimately the ruler of both the gods and all of the universe; Poseidon was given domain over all forms of water, controlling the seas, winds and weather; Hades was given domain over the Underworld, the darkest realm of the world where the souls of the dead would journey. Atreus knows not what to do when faced with the reality that he'd somehow managed to place himself in his father's homeland, far before his father's path intercrossed with his mother's, and far before the melody of his own life began. The weaker gods, like Ceryx, however, die without any major consequences, as do Hephaestus, Ares and Athena (the latter two of whom after their death only release a large explosion). The six original Olympians were the children of Cronos and Rhea (Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Hestia, and Hades). Also i want them to accuratly react to the series and not just show there reactions afterwards it makes things less exciting. Even less does Atreus know how to interact with his younger-lived father that he meets when he arrives, especially when the man is bringing about extreme chasms of destruction and war to his land, as well as seeming to be in large amounts of emotional anguish. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13398640/1/The-RWBY-Casts-Watches-the-Multiverse, Lazy Beacon Days: Reading Boldores and Boombsticks, Describing The Series Via References [RWBY]. With the gods weakened and Typhon freed, it looked grim, but one demigod would not stand for it. She and Tisiphone attempted to misdirect him, as a building he enters is projected as a brothel. However, it is possible that these events are not major enough to warrant much attention. The second mural of the Hall of the Fates, that depicted a lone man surrounded my destruction and chaos, was fulfilled. Kratos arrives at the island of Delos and traverses a giant, ruined statue of Apollo. Ignoring her plea, Kratos entered the temple and killed everyone inside, including his wife and child. He then found his end attempting to kill Kratos so that his daughter, Pandora, would be protected from him. Odin can see that and proposes his help. Modi returns from a long journey to find Skjldr waiting for him. Now, Fimbulwinter has finally came to Midgard. Following the deaths of his children, Pathos Verdes III grew more and more insane as he built the many traps and puzzles within the temple, eventually murdering his wife and committing suicide. React fics are always characters reacting to their own series. There are some minor, weaker Gods, like Ceryx or the Fire Steeds, that are considered servants to the Gods, and have no real power of their own but are still powerfully divine. It sounds so familiar though, as if she knows who its coming from, as if shes known them for a lifetime. He then pursued the Fury through the prison. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Kratos allowed Heimdall to live. It was a close encounter, and everybody was thankful that the ordeal was past them. Helios, however, became the god of the sun and light and was accepted in the Greek pantheon. Eventually, Kratos caught up with Hermes, leading to a chase in which Kratos struggled to keep up. It was a normal day in Olympus, the gods had gathered for a meeting, discussing the current events and planining for the future and as always it had all turned into a shouting contest between Zeus, The God of Thunder and Poseidon, The God of the Sea. Kratos retrieved Pandoras Box and used its power to become powerful enough to face Ares. As he grew older, Kratos became a fearsome and well-respected Spartan captain. In addition to being immortal, the Olympians also possess a wide variety of seemingly godlike abilities. Barring all the common downfalls of having various monsters gnashing their teeth at you, it also meant that when he invited you to his family meetings, you'll have to wonder if you'll survive the ordeal. Zeus, the King of Olympus, was famous for his numerous erotic escapades with other women. *Ripping this apart and re-posting due to funky formatting and realizing that the chapters were way too long*** If you read the original 6 chapters, that is now chapters 1-14. Reigning over the Titans, the mighty Cronos learned from Gaia that one day he would be overthrown by his own children. Olympian Throne Room, "-ke Annabeth" Mr.D said before realizing where he is "Huh?" "Oof!" "Hey watch the face!" "Oi oi watch where you put that hand" "What?" A lot of voice was heard when the bright light subsided Zeus, who was in a mood, when is he not, was about to shout at them for appearing suddenly but was beaten by Poseidon Making his way to Alecto's chamber, Kratos manages to retrieve the Oath Stone from Tisiphone's pet bird, Daimon. Far beyond what Atreus would have imagined, partly in thanks to how much his father despises his past and self, his younger father showed that he very strongly shared the sentiment. Kronos' anger mounted as Percy proved strong enough to break free of his time spells right immediately after Kronos casted them. Instead, Kratos impaled himself with the Blade of Olympus, to give Hope to all the mortals of the world. This represents the rise of Christianity after the downfall of Olympus and could signify that the Twilight of the Greek Gods occurred paving the way for the coming of Christ. Helios' decapitated head served Kratos as a weapon and a flashlight. Kratos and Freya have set out, together, to rebuild the realms. The god Hephastus, however, died after being impaled upon his only anvil, which had apparently no special characteristics mystical or otherwise (though it can be assumed that Zeus stripped Hephastus of most of godly abilities). After returning to Asgard, he is ashamed and refuses to be seen. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". It had been weeks since the emotionally charged adventure Kratos and Atreus went on. Kratos allowed Heimdall to live. 15 is new **. The battle reached its end when Kratos stole the Claws of Hades and used them to take Hades' soul, thereby releasing all of the dead souls from their torment. But when he finds himself in the impossible position of having the chance to fix things, he's not sure if he's worthy of the chance. As he wrapped his hands around her throat, Tisiphone transformed into Lysandra, causing Kratos to briefly cease his assault before shrugging it off and continuing his onslaught. After killing Orkos, Kratos experienced the first of his many nightmares, previously masked by his bond to Ares: this was the price he had to pay for the truth. The Robert Reacts thread on SpaceBattles is pretty interesting. For breaking his oath, Ares sent the Furies to capture Kratos and force him to once again serve the God of War. One day Atreus has had enough and wants to prove himself to his Father. With the help of a Ballista, Kratos knocked Helios and his chariot into the grasp of Perses, who crushed and tossed the Sun God across the city. Freya manages to kill Kratos. After building the temple, Cronos was forced to carry it on his back and wander the Desert of Lost Souls until the fierce desert winds ripped the flesh from his body. Who Loki will become. After all, who better than him to provide information about the former queen?Atreus goes to Asgard with a new goal in mind.There he can gain the power he needs, thanks to Heimdall's reluctant training.But for how long will Atreus manage to keep his heart in the right place? The death of Ares at the hands of his champion, Kratos. I really like these snippets, as they highlight the culture clash with Westeros values. Eventually, Kratos reached Hades palace in the Underworld, leading to a fierce battle between the two. Before his marriage to Hera, Zeus had been married to the Titan Metis. Gods from other pantheons do exist in God of War universe, notably of the. After the long Journey to spread his mothers ashes, Atreus thought his father would be different, but it doesn't seem like anything had changed. A year after Fimbulwinter has started, Atreus thinks about the amazing people he's met. Izuku: "Wow this looks interesting already and I really want to know who the boy is"Momo: "wait a second aren't those mini Norse statues that child is playing"Todoroki: "now that you mentioned it yeah it looks them"Tsu: "Wait what time period does this take place in"Watcher: "this takes place before quirks even happened and it had gods roaming the world"Everyone was now curious to see how this world would turn out and are even more excited to see Izuku The camera cuts to see Kota playing with those toys, "Boy" a voice called him out but he didn't hear because he was to busy playing Everyone: "KOTA/ME?!! Using the Eyes, Kratos broke through the Furies' illusions and forced Alecto back into her human form. Tisiphone joined Alecto as Kratos advanced on the remaining Furies. Many of the gods seem to possess Roman noses, among them Zeus, Poseidon, Ares and Hephaestus. Hera encountered Kratos within her gardens, and taunted him, saying his simple mind would not allow him to escape. As he advanced on the Fury Queen, Tisiphone dispatched Daimon against him but Kratos simply used the Eyes to destroy the bird. As Kratos journeyed through the Aegean Sea, he noticed a massive shipwreck caused by the creature. Many of the gods are indistinguishable from humans in appearance, though some look radically different. Kratos tackles the woman, who is revealed to be Tisiphone. And also it's Fanfiction so idk why people get copyrighted from their works cause it contains something they own when it's fanfic man, It's not like they are gonna earn money out of this or something. While this was a similar fate shared by her brother Poseidon, he was more vulnerable due to having fought both Kratos and Gaia. With that matter settled, Zeus drew the Evils into Pandora's Box. There are some that replace more characters with characters from RWBY. who is leaving channel 13 toledo. Far beyond what Atreus would have imagined, partly in thanks to how much his father despises his past and self, his younger father showed that he very strongly shared the sentiment. If they are writing fanfic to charge readers money or something then it's ok if they copyright stuff. Subsequently, Zeus transferred this power to the Colossus of Rhodes, bringing it to life. What if your world could be changed forever? The Ghost of Sparta plunged himself at the king of the gods, and a great battle ensued. Kratos is nearly taken in by this, for he got to see his wife and daughter again. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. "You must think, do simply react, be calm and plan" Izuku saidAll might: "that is some good wisdom my boy" he said while patting Izuku on the backIzuku: "thanks all might" he smiled Todoroki: "my boy" he mumbled while writing something on his journal"It's just that, I'm not really used to hunting" Kota said. With the help of his Hippocampi, which erupted from the water, Poseidon pulled at least one Titan off Mount Olympus before reaching Kratos and Gaia, in the form of a colossal watery construct. Thrud gets irritated from stress, Modi makes it worse for a moment. What if, from one day to the next, everything could change? Atlas led the Titans into a furious battle, although some Titans, like Prometheus and Helios, would betray their fellow Titans and join the Olympians. Resident Evil- They first play Resident Evil 2, and then the Resident Evil 1 Remake. The war would completely reshape the landscape of the mortal world into its current shape. This battle also caused evils to accumulate, which would later be stored in Pandora's Box to protect humanity from corruption. She feels those words ringing in her head, again and again with the same angry male voice. Thinking of the gods as pathetic and weak, he found solace by leading Sparta in conquering the rest of Greece. All others shall meet their doom. But don't worry he is still very much terrible. In desperation, Helios attempted to trick Kratos into stepping into the Flame of Olympus, telling him that he would receive its power by doing so. Swept up in the machinations of an unknown deity, Kratos finds himself in a far away land with a new destiny unwelcomingly thrust upon him. Orkos appears and frees Kratos, taking him elsewhere upon the statue, with Alecto vowing that he will never succeed. ___ Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (391), | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) (16), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (76), Heimdall is still an asshole but he cares, Heimdall learns people can care about him, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Heimdall (God of War)/Original Female Character(s), | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga), Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Midoriya Izuku Has the Venom Symbiote (Marvel), With You, The World I Shall Build, For You, The World I Shall Crumble, Younger Kratos Is Pretty Morally Ambiguous At Times Obviously, One Thing That Does Not Change Thought Is How Much He Loves His Family, Or More Like The Past Digging Itself To Atreus, But He Also Can't Do So Of His Own Volition Lmao, Same For Kratos But That Goes Without Being Said, Imagine Accidentally Making Yourself Go Back In Time To See Your Younger Father And His Homeland, Takes Place About Six Months Before Ragnark, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Sorry to throw you under the bus Freya it's for a good cause. Kratos, once again opened Pandora's Box, hoping to use its power against Zeus, but was disappointed and shocked to learn that nothing was inside the box, while the King of Gods laughed at his son's failure. Could you live with the life you've found yourself in, knowing you could never change it, or would it break you entirely, knowing that the loved ones you've lost can never be regained? A slow-burn that takes place mostly during the small, quiet moments where meaningful connections are made. He explained that Kratos was the warrior Ares sought and for that reason, Ares helped Kratos against the barbarians. The Greek Gods are the pantheon who ruled over Greece, including all animals, monsters and mortals. He proceeded to physically charge at Tisiphone, as she shapeshifted between the forms of the King and Kratos himself, belittling him. A 10 year, Freya-centric story of their journey together and how two broken people could put themselves back together with each other's help. With Alecto left for last, Kratos drew his blades. Kratos does not want to kill Heimdall, but he will not let the Aesir god hurt his son.Freya knows someone who can help them, even if this person's methods are questionable. Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades split the world into three. Smiling as blood escaped his lips, Luke apologized for his actions and to Annabeth for hurting her the way he did. During the second day, Percy faced the Titan Lord of the East Hyperion and the Titan of Destruction Perses. When he goes to sleep with a woman, he spots the ring on her finger and realizes that this is an illusion. This subreddit is dedicated to discussion of the games and sharing news about them. Kratos and Freya have set out, together, to rebuild the realms. Kratos fighting Persephone to save the life of his daughter. Kratos proceeded to burn down his house, with the corpse of Orkos inside it. accident on 69 east today. Emerging from the sewers, Kratos encountered Aphrodite in her chambers. After a long and hard struggle, Kratos and Gaia combined their efforts, managing to kill the God of the Sea, with the Spartan gouging his eyes and snapping his neck. Seeing potential in the young warrior, Ares obliged, slaying the barbarians and giving Kratos the Blades of Chaos as a mark of his new allegiance. I was raised in Midgard, by my MOTHER, Laufey.Maybe they would need a flowchart for this discussion. She devised a plan to have Zeus taken to a place far away from the watchful eyes of his cruel father. (Chapter 1) "Meh, let's give it a shot." RWBY's relationship has grown closer after the breach. Five years after Ragnarok, Freya and Kratos are not sure what they are gods of anymore. Instead, he was captured. chewy dog houses; honey select 2 maps. Even less does Atreus know how to interact with his younger-lived father that he meets when he arrives, especially when the man is bringing about extreme chasms of destruction and war to his land, as well as seeming to be in large amounts of emotional anguish. With the death of another Olympian, all the green life on at least Greece dies. Kratos battling a Centaur General as Perses looks on. With this, Ares' plan was complete: Kratos had become the perfect warrior, killed Zeus and destroyed the rule of Olympus. (A character study). There will be smut though, eventually.). Calling upon the eagle, Rhea kissed her son goodbye as he was taken to be watched over by Gaia. The Olympians faced betrayals not just from their own children, but from their fellow gods. Most importantly, what if there was no going back? Or posting anything related to GOW really. While in the Underworld, Kratos was faced by Gaia, who told him that the Titans would help overthrow Zeus, only if he were to journey to the Island of Creation and defeat the Sisters of Fate. Ares appeared before Kratos, revealing that it was he who had placed his family in the temple and that with nothing left in his way, he would become death incarnate. Maybe his family and friends can help him. Modi returns from a long journey to find Skjldr waiting for him. Atreus knows not what to do when faced with the reality that he'd somehow managed to place himself in his father's homeland, far before his father's path intercrossed with his mother's, and far before the melody of his own life began. Others, like Ares, Athena, and Persephone, are somewhat weaker than their parents, but are still considered very powerful. Kratos believed that his wife and child were back home in Sparta, and was thus horrified to see their corpses before him. 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olympians react to god of war fanfiction