joseph f smith testimony to congress

Also, some third-party cookies may provide them with information about you (such as the sites where you have been shown ads or demographic information) from offline and online sources that they may use to provide you more relevant and useful advertising. They dont have extra insight. Worthington: What was the last revelation that came to the church from the one authorized to give it as the law of the church? When, according to arrangements, the messenger called for them, I delivered them up to him; and he has them in his charge until this day, being the second day of May, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight. Either you must accept Joseph F. Smith as the prophet of God, ordained to speak falsehoods or truth at his pleasure, ratified by God as a liar or a truth teller to meet the prophets needs; or, you must consider him a false, deceiving, lying, hypocritical old man, who clings to his power with selfish hands, and who fain would live out the balance of his life with his five wives . This is interesting because the Manifesto was not actually a revelation; it was a smokescreen. One of these, concerning the Saviors visit to the spirits of the dead while His body was in the tomb, President Smith had received the previous day. I could discover that he had no other clothing on but this robe, as it was open, so that I could see into his bosom. If an image is displaying, you can download it yourself. HonestlyIts not hard to give him a pass on this if I put my TBM hat on just a little bit. I do not now recall any since then except the manifesto. I had actually seen a light, and in the midst of that light I saw two Personages, and they did in reality speak to me; and though I was hated and persecuted for saying that I had seen a vision, yet it was true; and while they were persecuting me, reviling me, and speaking all manner of evil against me falsely for so saying, I was led to say in my heart: Why persecute me for telling the truth? Smith: Yes, except the manifesto. Smith: Yes, sir. These witnesses have also recorded their testimonies, for in the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established (2 Corinthians 13:1). Do you mean in the beginning? We want things a long time before we get them, and the fact that we want them a long time makes them all the more precious when they come.', 'Men and women who humbly plod along, doing their duty. None of the apostles after Joseph Smith were chosen by revelation? Rather than affirming that he and the other brethren were prophets, he uses a more lawyerly answer: I am so sustained. While this may be a point for President Smiths honesty, it doesnt look well for the church which claims to be led by a legitimate prophet. Members of the church love to speak in hushed tones about the supposed spiritual manifestations to which the brethren are privy. : I will say this, Mr. Chairman, that no revelation given through the head of the church ever becomes binding and authoritative upon the members of the church until it has been presented to the church and accepted by them. In A.D. 421 the prophetMoroni buried sacredrecords of his people inthe Hill Cumorah. ABCs of Science and Mormonism now available in Print from Amazon! Listen to an actual recording of Joseph F. Smith's voice as he admonishes Church members to serve faithfully and assures them that he was firm in the faith.Please visit the Church History website: to learn more about the life and teachings of Joseph F. Smith. . Two days later, he again affirms that the Brethren do not have any revelatory gift beyond that of any other member of the church. One of them spake unto me, calling me by name and said, pointing to the otherThis is My Beloved Son. Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of our website, compiling reports on website activity and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage. For a description of the DAA Program, please visit the DAA website. That time span includes the entire presidencies of Wilford Woodruff and Lorenzo Snow. All Rights Reserved. For anyone attracted to Mormon history, the Smoot hearings represented a gold mine of testimony 42 witnesses in 17 days for and against his admission to the Senate. There heread, Ask of God.. : Then the apostles are perpetuated in succession by their own act and the approval of the first presidency? (see page 69). : Was there a revelation in regard to each of them? He said there was a book deposited, written upon gold plates, giving an account of the former inhabitants of this continent, and the source from whence they sprang. On the west side of this hill, not far from the top, under a stone of considerable size, lay the plates, deposited in a stone box. He would serve as President for 17 years, from 1901 to 1918. For no sooner was it known that I had them, than the most strenuous exertions were used to get them from me. The room was exceedingly light, but not so very bright as immediately around his person. : Are not all of the apostles also prophets, seers, and revelators? H.R.5687 97th Congress (1981-1982) A bill to amend title 10, United States Code, to authorize former members of the armed forces who are totally disabled as the result of a service-connected disability to travel on military aircraft in the same manner and to the same extent as retired members of the armed forces are permitted to travel . Otherwise, members are in no way obligated to accept it. Gospel Topics Essays During these trials a prophet of God was put on trial and given the chance to stand up for his beliefs and tell the world what was up. Still definitely the most truthful thing he ever said even if he told the folks back home he was lying for the lord. I made an attempt to take them out, but was forbidden by the messenger, and was again informed that the time for bringing them forth had not yet arrived, neither would it, until four years from that time; but he told me that I should come to that place precisely in one year from that time, and that he would there meet with me, and that I should continue to do so until the time should come for obtaining the plates. You can instruct your computer to inform you whenever a cookie is being sent, or you can disallow cookies through your web browser. In 1903, Apostle Reed Smoot was elected by the Utah legislature to the U.S. senate. . FAIR is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing well-documented answers to criticisms of the doctrine, practice, and history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Joseph worked a number of jobs and provided a comfortable living for his family. Amazing inspiring action packed day with Impact Launch! He clarified that the policy applied worldwide, not just in North America. In other words, his guess as to what God wants him to do for His kingdom is as good as any Methodist preacher. Joseph F. Smith was born November 13, 1838, in Far West, Missouri. I baptized him first, and afterwards he baptized meafter which I laid my hands upon his head and ordained him to the Aaronic Priesthood, and afterwards he laid his hands on me and ordained me to the same Priesthoodfor so we were commanded. At length I came to the conclusion that I must either remain in darkness and confusion, or else I must do as James directs, that is, ask of God. These companies may store information about your visits to our website and to other websites in order to provide you with relevant advertisements about goods and services. Non-Personal Information: Upon accessing the Website, certain non-personal information will be automatically collected without your knowledge or consent, such as your IP address, location data (which is anonymous) and the referring website (Non-Personal Information). Learn how . During this exchange, then, Joseph F. Smith was essentially being examined as a "hostile witness." President Smith was not likely to "cast pearls before swine," by discussing the revelatory process, and the legal requirements of the situation likely made him reply as little as possible to the questions posed. To find out more about interest-based advertising in the web environment, and how to opt-out of information collection for this purpose by companies that participate in the Network Advertising Initiative or the Digital Advertising Alliance, visit NAIs opt-out page or DAAs Consumer Choice Page. Hoar: I understand you to say that the original twelve apostles were selected by revelation? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Mary reared the five surviving children of Hyrum Smith and his first wife Jerusha Barden, who died in 1837. Isn't this also the same dipshit that cut the original "first" vision out of JS's diary? Jesus directs His Church today through revelation to a prophet on the earth. The cookie-related information is not used to identify you personally and the pattern data is fully under our control. The answer was usually, Its because we dont value the old scripture enough. Turns out the true answer is that the brethren simply arent receiving revelations. Worthington: Then do I understand you to say the only revelation that has come to the church in the last twenty years is the one that says polygamy shall stop? He stated to me that having been teaching school in the neighborhood where my father resided, and my father being one of those who sent to the school, he went to board for a season at his house, and while there the family related to him the circumstances of my having received the plates, and accordingly he had come to make inquiries of me. 40 talks in 40 days for General Conference, Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Smith: No, sir; not in regard to each of them. When reading his testimony, I believe he was being very careful to avoid a perjury charge. Richards, that I may send him cipher messages intended for you. Tayler: Do you get that title by reason of being president or by reason of having been an apostle? If you have doubts, it's all your damn fault. but" in inglese-italiano da Reverso Context: President Joseph F. Smith, a counselor in the First Presidency, inquired, Heber, you said you believe the gospel with all your heart, . Notice how President Smith refuses to answer the question directly. Then do I understand you to say the only revelation that has come to the church in the last twenty years is the one that says polygamy shall stop? After beginning the examination by covering the. From the Life of Joseph F. Smith Early in his life, Joseph F. Smith received a testimony that the Prophet Joseph Smith was chosen to restore the gospel of Jesus Christ in this last dispensation. For example, if they know what ads you are shown while visiting our site, they can be careful not to show you the same ones repeatedly. What was the last revelation that came to the church from the one authorized to give it as the law of the church? If any one of them be right, which is it, and how shall I know it? As a member of the Quorum of the Twelve, I participated in the motion to include in the Doctrine and Covenants section 138the vision of President Smith in 1918. web pages the full title of the book is: testimony of important witness as given in the proceedings before the committee on privileges and elections of the united states senate in the matter of the protest against the right of hon. Joseph Fielding Smith testified that the work of the Lord will not fail and that the Savior's true Church bears His name, has His priesthood, and preaches His doctrine. Smoot also created a cipher and code in order to keep church messages a secret. Hell that is the absolute central teaching of Mormonism! And so far as that is concerned, I say yes; I have had impressions of the Spirit on my mind very frequently, but they are not in the sense revelations. : In the first place they were chosen by revelation. At the time this narrative begins, he was 14 years old, living with his family in New York, and earnestly considering which church to join. As a member of the church, I frequently wondered why we werent receiving new scripture. I was answered that I must join none of them, for they were all wrong; and the Personage who addressed me said that all their creeds were an abomination in his sight; that those professors were all corrupt; that: they draw near to me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me, they teach for doctrines the commandments of men, having a form of godliness, but they deny the power thereof.. Returns Policy New Of Mortgage NJ Poison Control Center Warns Of The Dangers Of Chlorine This Summer. Your privacy is important. The one true Prophet of the Lord in 1904 testified before Congress, under penalty of perjury that he has never received a revelation. 2015 Zelph on the Shelf. It was the first time in my life that I had made such an attempt, for amidst all my anxieties I had never as yet made the attempt to pray vocally. He then again related unto me all that he had related to me the previous night, and commanded me to go to my father and tell him of the vision and commandments which I had received. As a child I have listened to him preach the gospel that God had committed to his charge. Let me read just a small portion of it. It does mean that the companies from which you opted out will no longer customize ads based on your interests and web usage patterns using cookie-based technology. : Do you mean by that that the church in conference may say to you, Joseph F. Smith, the first president of the church, We deny that God has told you to tell us this?. Also, that he gets nothing more from God than what a good Methodist could. In 1903, Apostle Reed Smoot was elected by the Utah legislature to the U.S. senate. He commenced, and again related the very same things which he had done at his first visit, without the least variation; which having done, he informed me of great judgments which were coming upon the earth, with great desolations by famine, sword, and pestilence; and that these grievous judgments would come on the earth in this generation. Smith: No, sir; not that I know of. (1:46) Guidelines For Preventing Illness And What To Do If They Are . They are literally just guessing and going by their feelings like every other member of the church. The answer was usually, Its because we dont value the old scripture enough. Turns out the true answer is that the brethren simply arent receiving revelations. What happened was that Joseph F. Smith denied having had any revelations ever, except his testimony: I have never pretended nor do I profess to have received revelations Joseph F. Smith as prophet of God, FJC editorialized: Gentiles and Mormons, you are front to front with the proposition. (p. 483). Smith: I am so sustained and upheld by my people. Congressional investigation into the seating of Senator Reed Smoot, plural marriage, etc. We were filled with the Holy Ghost, and rejoiced in the God of our salvation. A forum for ex-mormons and others who have been affected by mormonism to get support and share news, commentary, and comedy about the Mormon church. It was a whiteness beyond anything earthly I had ever seen; nor do I believe that any earthly thing could be made to appear so exceedingly white and brilliant. The purport of the revelation was calling to the apostolate or apostleship two men, who are named in the revelation. Those who make this claim do not disclose that the Smoot hearings were an antagonistic proceeding in which LDS apostle Reed Smoot was being investigated to see if he should be able to take his seat in the U.S. Senate. McComas: When vacancies occurred thereafter, by what body were the vacancies in the twelve apostles filled? Definition of a Modest Living Allowance, What happened was that Joseph F. Smith denied having had any revelations ever, except his testimony, LDS Church and Same Sex Marriage Timeline, The Pump LDS film and the original source, Ethan Smith, Hyrum Smith, Oliver Cowdery, Solomon Spaulding connections. 16 quotes from Joseph F. Smith: 'Everywhere in nature we are taught the lessons of patience and waiting. Testimony of Joseph Smith 'Crucial,' President Nelson Tells New Mission Leaders The 2021 Seminar for New Mission Leaders addresses 109 couples assigned to lead missionary work in 49 countries and 14 U.S. states ,, Afterthose four years,Joseph received theplates and begantranslating the Book ofMormon. : Is there any other description of your title than mere president? . . On the 5th day of April, 1829, Oliver Cowdery came to my house, until which time I had never seen him. We use cookies to: Here, we say, is Joseph Smith, a revealer of the knowledge of Christ and of salvation for our day. In 1825 he took a job in Chenango County, New York. The council of the apostles have had a voice ever since in the selection of their successors. He also declared that any church officer who performed a plural marriage, as well as the offending couple, would be excommunicated. I have actually seen a vision; and who am I that I can withstand God, or why does the world think to make me deny what I have actually seen? There he met Emma Hale, whom he married on January 18, 1827. During this time of great excitement my mind was called up to serious reflection and great uneasiness. Persecution continued as Joseph refused to deny that he had seen God. Smith: I do not now recall any since then except the manifesto. I started with the intention of going to the house; but, in attempting to cross the fence out of the field where we were, my strength entirely failed me, and I fell helpless on the ground, and for a time was quite unconscious of anything. Explain? Hear Him!. Thick darkness gathered around me, and it seemed to me for a time as if I were doomed to sudden destruction. Worthington: Yes, since 1882 twenty-one years. When the light rested upon me I saw two Personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description, standing above me in the air. Grant (who admitted to actually fearing such experiences), David O. McKay, and Joseph Fielding Smith. One of the witnesses summoned to testify was President Joseph F. Smith. They will bring you lasting peace and happiness by providing inspired direction in your life. During the space of time which intervened between the time I had the vision and the year eighteen hundred and twenty-threehaving been forbidden to join any of the religious sects of the day, and being of very tender years, and persecuted by those who ought to have been my friends and to have treated me kindly, and if they supposed me to be deluded to have endeavored in a proper and affectionate manner to have reclaimed meI was left to all kinds of temptations; and, mingling with all kinds of society, I frequently fell into many foolish errors, and displayed the weakness of youth, and the foibles of human nature; which, I am sorry to say, led me into divers temptations, offensive in the sight of God. I put my TBM hat on just a small portion of it the entire presidencies of Wilford Woodruff and Snow... One true prophet of the witnesses summoned to testify was President Joseph F. 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joseph f smith testimony to congress