Water deeply, regularly in first growing season to establish root system. For example, a tall evergreen shrub such as 'Burgundy' Chinese fringe (Loropetalum chinense) makes a nice backdrop for the cherry red, pink, or white blooms of a dwarf crepe myrtle. Put them instead along the boundaries of your property so that beetles flying in are attracted to them and do not come further in to infest your plants. Semi-Dwarf Red-flowered Crape myrtles These medium-sized varieties grow from 4' to 12' tall. The spray must be re-applied after rain. A path can be turned into a floral way by edging with a row of them, or use them in those awkward narrow spaces between a driveway and a fence or wall. So next to a building the trees will often still do well, even if flowering is a little reduced, while underneath larger trees they will usually grow very weakly with few or no flowers. This method is much more effective than baking soda, which you will also find recommended however research has shown it does not in fact work at all. It doesnt have to be anything special, and even poor soils, dry soils and the often-nasty soil found in city gardens works just fine. The names say it all about the color (guava is bright pink) and these plants are real winners in the dwarf crape myrtle stakes. Instructional how-to's for the novice to expert gardener. The Natchez Crape Myrtle is another tall Crape Myrtle, reaching 30 feet when mature. To control this disease it is necessary to use chemical sprays containing thiophanate-methyl. Fill the lower part of the pot with soil so that the plant will sit at the same depth it was in the original pot no deeper. You have plenty of options to choose for your small space, different shapes, sizes, and tons of different colors. If you need to plant in some shade remember that there are two kinds of shade to consider. Take Advantage of our Quantity Discounts Buy 1-2 Plants for $39.95 Each Buy 3-11 Plants and Save 30%! 30 years ago we moved onto our property. If we could have smaller shrubs, instead of larger trees, then crape myrtles could bring color in profusion to every garden. At least, I like to think they were thinking that! Sign In | Create Account PLANTS & TREES PLANT FINDER SALE TOP SELLERS RARE PLANTS NEW ADVICE ABOUT WIN $25 eCARD GIFT CARDS 0 They may not even be noticed until you see a black powder forming on the lower leaves. This cultivar grows up to 5 ft. (1.5 m) tall and has dense glossy-green foliage throughout the growing season. They likely bought a crepe myrtle only for its color without checking how big the plant will get. This should be 3 to 5 inches deep and should extend out beyond the line of the foliage, but not touch the trunk of your tree. Am I wrong? The Muskogee Crape Myrtle is the ideal choice if you want a large tree. Some of the most popular varieties include the Miniature, the Pixie, and the . Nothing says summer in the South like crepe myrtles. These plants have shallow roots and should not be planted too deeply. categories. Montgomery Dwarf Blue Spruce (Picea pungens 'Montgomery') - 2 Gallon Pot. Once the framework is mature, each spring cut the side branches back to an inch or so in length. Dont feed in the fall. Blooms June through frost. Crape Myrtles are great for landscaping, ground cover, hanging baskets, bonsai, shrubs, privacy hedges and . Luckily, thanks to intensive breeding by several important plant breeders, modern varieties are all highly resistant to this disease and you should see it rarely or not at all. Choose From 7 Beautiful Varieties of White Crape Myrtle! They come in a range of flower colours and varieties for sale include large medium and dwarf forms. If you live in a suitable area it is hard to imagine gardening without Crape Myrtles. That said, yes, these are hardy and reliable plants, and since they bloom on new stems, they should bloom in the first year, although of course not as much as they likely will in the future. Flowers may show white or red flecking. 'Acoma' is a white-flowering cultivar that has beautiful, weeping branches and reaches just over 10 feet tall. For example the Dynamite Crape Myrtle will grow up to 20 feet in a warm region, but rarely reach more than 6 feet in colder areas. Leaf Spot Fungus: This disease is usually found only in the Deep South. Why do people murder crepe myrtles? Trimming in spring is also a good idea. Dwarf Crape Myrtles Medium Crape Myrtles Standard (Tree) Crape . Now braced with cord attached to adjacent trees, were working towards strengthening the four largest trunks. Steve Bender, also known as The Grumpy Gardener, is an award-winning author, editor, columnist, and speaker with nearly 40 years experience as Garden Editor, Senior Writer, and Editor-at-Large for Southern Living. If you can find a type designed for outdoor planters that would be best, but otherwise add some shredded bark, perlite or Styrofoam chips to the soil, about 1 part to 4 or 5 parts of potting soil is ideal. Ive found that 'Raspberry Dazzle' doesn't bloom as well. These two varieties were especially produced for colder climates and are the number one choice for Crape Myrtles if you live in zone 6 or warmer parts of zone 5. All Black Diamond crape myrtles are low maintenance and disease resistant. Many specimen trees are too tall to plant beneath lines safely, but since Crape Myrtles are relatively small they are an excellent choice as specimens for planting below power-lines and by choosing a suitable variety you can plant below even quite low lines without causing interference and potential danger. Sooty Mold is completely harmless and does not damage the plant in any way, but it is unsightly. The general form of the plant is bushy, often almost as wide as they are tall, but in taller varieties, they are more tree-like. Grows 5 to 8 feet tall. Then you have a, If you can make a strong cylinder but not make it into a ring you have a. ACCESSIBILITY STATEMENT, LEGACY OUR STORY NURSERY LOCATIONS SUSTAINABILITY PRESS CAREERS INTERNSHIPS REFER-A-FRIENDREWARDS PROGRAM, HELP CENTER RETURN POLICY SHIPPING INFO WHAT IS A HARDINESS ZONE? Dr. Michael Dirr was already famous for his work and his name is known to every gardening student for his classic text book on trees and shrubs. One of the great things about Crape Myrtles is that they dont need much care. All these things will help your Crape Myrtle grow better. This disease is worst in areas that are naturally humid in summer but it occurs everywhere during periods of hot, humid weather. Bushy plant growth. Using your foot, firm the soil down around the roots, so that there are no air-pockets in the soil and so that the tree is held firmly. Since it is a hybrid, it should be disease-resistant. Trimming will encourage dense growth and make a more solid screen. They bloom 3 or even 4 weeks before taller varieties, making them great stage setters for the display of your larger crapes. 4.8/5 New varieties are being introduced each year and the list is growing rapidly. Love your site! Flowers earlier than most other selections. The leaves are simple ovals in shape and can be between 2 and 8 inches in length depending on the variety and the vigor of growth. They will grow well in almost any soil and in fact very rich soils, or giving them too much compost or fertilizer, will make lots of healthy leaves but fewer flowers. The centre of a lawn is often the sunniest place in the garden, too, so your tree will benefit from the continuous sunlight and bloom very vigorously. We have over 55 varieties available of miniature, dwarf, medium and standard (tree) crape myrtles. Go for the Right Size: Decide how much room you have and how big you want your tree to grow. Only gene testing could tell us the real facts. Perhaps the best of this series are the following: The Berry Dazzle Crape Myrtle grows no more than 3 or 4 feet tall and is the same across, making it a compact, bushy shrub for a small space, or to grow in a planter. The Strawberry Dazzle Crape Myrtle is a little bigger, reaching perhaps 5 feet in height and with a similar spread of 4 to 5 feet. HOW TO ORDER ONLINE. In a few years these colorful small trees will make beautiful focal points of color all summer long. A colorful dwarf crape myrtle will fit the bill perfectly. The other ones leaves are predominantly red with only a little green. They are recommended for growing zones 7 to 10. The ideal plant is one that will flower continuously during summer, when the terrace or balcony is being used most. Sign In | Create Account PLANTS & TREES PLANT FINDER SALE TOP SELLERS RARE PLANTS NEW ADVICE ABOUT WIN $25 eCARD GIFT CARDS 0 The Pink Velour Crape Myrtle begins to flower with crimson buds, but they open to a clear pink which does not fade in sun or shade, as commonly happens with older varieties. So while spring flowers are a great way to welcome the new season, summer flowering plants should form a large part of the garden plants chosen, since sitting in a summer garden surrounded by flowers is one of lifes great joys. The Crape Myrtle Company was est. If you live in zone 6 or the colder parts of zone 7, it is a good idea to bury the pot in the garden for the winter, or wrap it in insulation and move it up against a building wall, as the roots are more sensitive to cold than the top growth. Sizes of 16 to 24 inches are about right, with the larger size sufficient for a bigger plant like Catabwa or Pink Velour. Because Crape Myrtles need warmth to flower well they must be in very hot positions in colder areas to create a good microclimate for their growth. No wonder it ranks as the South's most popular (and coveted) ornamental tree. If you are using a new clay pot, soak it in water for an hour or two before using it. Instructional how-to's for the novice to expert gardener. We are frequently asked to recommend the best-performing varieties according to size and color. This is actually a harmless disease and plants come back the following year perfectly strong and with clean leaves. Rule of thumb is to get the application down before the soil temperatures are 50-55 degrees for five or more consecutive days. Contact Us ALWAYS FREE SHIPPING! Long blooming early summer through fall. Thank you for such a great read! Although Crape Myrtles are tough, resistant plants, it is worth taking a little effort to give them a good start in life. Breeders call this hybrid vigor and it is an important part of any breeding program. By our definition, a privacy screen is typically less formal and taller in height than a hedge. This tree was introduced in 1998. When you are ready to plant, remove the pot. They all have green leaves, with gold, orange or sometimes red fall leaves. Dwarf Crape Myrtles. Always remember to water young plants thoroughly once a week during their first growing season. Contact Us ALWAYS FREE SHIPPING! This was usually done to keep plants smaller but now that we have a wide variety of sizes available it is not so necessary. Anything else we can say here about trees of this size? They form the main-stay of summer flowering and their spectacular foliage colors in fall as well as their attractive bark give them all-season interest. Crape Myrtles are plants from warmer regions, so they grow best in the warmer areas of America, in zones 7, 8 and 9. They all grow 3 to 4 feet tall and wide, with green leaves, and they have that all-important resistance to powdery mildew. If you are looking for a diversity of flower colors that will bloom continuously from early summer to the first frost and as well for plants that will thrive in hot, dry locations, then Crape Myrtles are ideal plants to choose and there will be a form suitable for every garden, no matter how large or small and no matter where you live. Purple Crape Myrtles. Equally you dont want your new plant to crowd out plants around it, so allow enough room for everyone. Their first notable feature is the bark, which is smooth and shows a variety of colors, ranging from grey to cinnamon and soft pink. Rest assured, when you buy dwarf crape myrtle shrubs for sale online from Wilson Bros Gardens we safely ship the highest quality container-grown specimens that are ready upon arrival to plant and thrive for years to come in your gardens - Guaranteed! In more recent years plant breeders have developed hardier forms, making it possible for gardeners in more northern areas to grow these beautiful plants, so they are now being much more widely planted. Dwarf myrtles include cultivars that are less than 4 feet tall when fully grown. Feed dwarf crape myrtle in the spring, using a granular fertilizer formulated for acid-loving plants such as azaleas and rhododendrons. The Crape Myrtle Company was est. Comes in three colorslavender, purple, and white. The smaller kinds of Crape Myrtles, or for larger terraces even the medium-sized ones, are a great choice. Flower clusters appear in summer at the ends of new shoots and these panicles can be 6 to 18 inches long, again depending on the variety, the type of pruning used and the vigor of growth. Here they will need little or no pruning or other care and since they are very drought-resistant they will grow well in these kinds of areas. Michaux grew these plants at his garden outside Charleston and from there they were distributed across the city. Not only are they rapid-growing, deer-resistant, drought-resistant and adaptable to most soils, they will be covered all summer long in glorious blooms. Colors include coral-pink, fuchsia-pink, and purple. Feed in early spring. Knowing the mature height of a plant before you buy it and planting the proper size for the site will save you much heartache (and backache) in the future. Make sure the roots stay moist as long as it's warm. These will be the first flowers to open and once they have finished flowering, seed-heads will develop. (Or at least some of them.) based on 28630 ratings and reviews, containers and planters; foreground shrub, containers and planters; foreground and small-garden shrub, lawn specimen; large shrub; small-garden lawn specimen, screening; lawn specimen; background tree, Small-garden lawn specimen; screening; large shrub, large containers and planters; medium shrub, shrub borders; foreground and small-garden shrub; large planters, foreground and small-garden shrub; large planters, Fungus caused by aphids control the aphids. and get started with ease by having your dwarf crape myrtle delivered right to your doorstep. Many trees and shrubs never get a chance to show their true beauty because they are squeezed into a tiny space and crowded by other plants. In warmer areas where there will be no winter damage you can prune in spring while the plants are still dormant, but in colder regions it is best to wait until the growth is just beginning, so that you can easily see any dead parts and where to prune back to. The flowers are about one inch across, but many are carried in each panicle, making a very dramatic effect. If you see pale yellow new leaves and you know you have alkaline soil, treat your plant by watering with Chelated Iron, which is available from garden centres. Your order has qualified for FREE shipping! In addition, this year, which didnt notice before, there is, as my gardener believes, a fungus not on the leaves,but the branches of these 3 trees. This could be garden compost, well-rotted manure or rotted leaves. The main additional species used were Lagerstroemia fauriei, Lagerstroemia subcostata, and Lagerstroemia limii, which are described above. Ask a question or read what others have asked for 1 Gal. 'Purple Lace' pictured right is a Dwarf cultivar. The ideal spacing will allow the plants to grow, yet mean that in a few years they will form a single mass of plants. Credit: www.crapemyrtle.com. The amount of flowering and the length of the flowering season are directly related to how much sunshine your Crape Myrtle receives, so a sunny location is always going to be the best choice. Hardy from zone 6-9. The Cherry Dazzle Crape Myrtle will grow to 5 feet tall and as much across in ideal growing conditions, but will also stay closer to 3 feet tall when, for example, grown in a container. Christiana. Semi-Dwarf varieties grow 4 to 8 feet tall. I have two unidentified crepe myrtles in pots that are beginning to leaf out. It will not cure the disease or remove existing white coatings, so begin to spray when you see the very first signs of mildew. Many other flowering trees are simply green-leaves during summer, but a Crape Myrtle makes a colorful center-piece to the lawn throughout summer. On Crape Myrtles they usually cluster on the ends of the branches as the flowers develop. Crape Myrtles are shrubs and small trees that usually develop several trunks, although they can be pruned to a single stem. Lagerstroemia fauriei is known as the Japanese Crape Myrtle. On the hottest days the garden offers shade and coolness and invites us to sit in it. Although bred in 1967 it was not introduced until 1978. It has pure white flowers, making a very elegant show in the garden and it also has good mildew resistance. You may have a collection of shrubs that are nice in spring, but when summer comes there is nothing very interesting to see. For a screen, there are two methods of spacing and planting available. To get the most from them and to have the best display of flowers, some simple care will however go a long way and make your Crape Myrtles the best ones around and the envy of your friends and neighbors. Noteworthy Characteristics. Since Crape Myrtles flower on new shoots they can be just as prolific flowering in colder areas, but they will stay smaller than the sizes listed for them. Instead of planting and re-planting annuals every year, Crape Myrtles will bring color all summer long and just come back again year after year. By September, they are almost void of leaves. If you should unfortunately get this disease and want to control it for aesthetic reasons the best method is to use a milk spray. The National Arboretum Crape Myrtle breeding program was so successful and introduced so many wonderful plants to gardeners that the popularity of these valuable summer-flowering plants increased enormously. I understand that it may be a few years before I see flowers and it would be helpful to get an idea of what I might be able to expect before planting them. Use medium types as small shade trees, street trees, or for screening. Mike created a group of similar plants in different flower colors. They need a moist . When planting your Crape Myrtles in rows or groups it is important to space them correctly. However it is still an interesting way to grow plants in a more formal way, beside a walkway or in the centre of flower beds. If you have chosen your varieties wisely you should only need to do a little pruning. Love your article. Here are some newer varieties of dwarf plants that fit the bill perfectly. Then balance out the remaining plants in between at even distances. I know this tree exists because I have seen them, but the owners dont know what the sub-species is. 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