Purchase card use as the procurement and payment tool for micro-purchases is defined in FAR 13 .2 . What is defined as any felonious act of corruption or attempt to cheat the Government or corrupt the Government's agents by charge card program officials? Cash advances. You agree to make the purchase, and the construction, company accepts your Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card as the method of, purchase. Increased data surveillance. A Governmentwide commercial purchase card charge authorizes the third party (e.g., financial institution) that issued the purchase card to make immediate payment to the contractor. answer. Cardholders who have been formally granted the appropriate authority in their Letter of Delegation may use the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card to make simplified acquisitions up to $25,000 outside the United States and its jurisdictions. Wat are three examples of abuse of the Government Commercial Purchase Card? Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (Janice L. Hinkle; Kerry H. Cheever), Give Me Liberty! Governmentwide commercial purchase card shall be the preferred method to purchase and pay for micro-purchases. #16 Which of the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Program's mandatory oversight procedures involves validating that all Data Mining cases are closed and assessing the key purchasing and management internal controls? - Strictly Prohibited This memo establishes a deadline of December 31, 2021 for all DoD Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card (GPC) personnel to use the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE) Single Sign-On (SSO) capability to log in to U.S. Bank's Access Online, and for Agency/Organization Program Coordinators to use their PIEE Task Queue (PTQ) in To the extent that such payment would otherwise not have been approved, an authorized individual (see 1.603-3) shall take action to remove the charge, such as by disputing the charge with the third party or by requesting that the contractor credit the charge back to the Government under the contract. CLGOO1O DoD Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Overview, Scored 96% Exam Details $9.45 Also available in bundle from $24.95 Add To Cart Add To Wishlist Money Back Guarantee 24/7 0 Seller Details 87 documents sold CLG 0010 Test Questions with correct answers (Guaranteed A+) (0) $6.49. The Bank must close the account Authorized uses of the Government Commercial Purchase Card include (select three): Which three items describes external fraud? What tool fulfills the 10 U.S.C. 15. \text{Nov (52,000 units at \$62). } & \text{3,224,000 }\\ Write a sentence explaining its significance to the economy. Similar in nature to a commercial credit card. Once you establish a good working relationship with a particular supplier, you should make all of your purchases from that supplier. the United States and its jurisdictions. Executive orders 12674 and 12731 form the foundational policy on the ethical conduct of federal employees. The thresholds are $10,000 for supplies and By Tessa 6 months ago Exam $8 1 Governance> Exam > GOVT 407 Exam 3 questions-and-answers-solution-test-exam- (All) -DoD must use effective systems, techniques, and technologies to prevent or identify potential fraudulent purchases. It is up to the account holder to ensure that the funds are available prior to making any transaction. idating that all data mining cases are closed and assessing the key purchasing and management internal controls? It helped me a lot to clear my final semester exams. Which statements are true regarding the use of convenience checks? The General Services Administration (GSA) awarded a multiple award schedule contract for U.S. Government commercial purchase card services. Management's (OPM) purchase card program. The store accrued income tax at the rate of 40%. "Micro-purchase" means an acquisition of supplies or services in which the aggregate amount does not exceed $3,000, The GPC provides "on the spot" purchasing, receiving, and payment authority for individuals other than contracting or purchasing officers. Which two of the following must be included in supporting documentation for all governmentwide Commercial Purchase card Transactions? Agency/Organization Program Coordinator////, In the event that a cardholder reports a misplaced, lost, or stolen card or check, which three of the following are true. Who is the individual responsible for ensuring the existence, accuracy, and legality of information on a Managing Account Billing Statement? Which of the following is an agreement that is not binding solely because the government representative who made it lacked the authority to enter into that agreement on behalf of the government? 25 years? University Of Arizona A Governmentwide commercial purchase card charge authorizes the third party ( e.g., financial institution) that issued the purchase card to make immediate payment to the contractor. What is the procurement integrated enterprise environment (PIEE) module used to initiate, review, approve, store, and terminate required delegations of procurement authority and/or appointment? Contract payment Chapter 1 - Summary Give Me Liberty! Reconcile the monthly statement of account. GOVERNMENT-WIDE COMMERCIAL PURCHASE CARD (GCPC) REGIONAL CONTRACTING OFFICE (RCO)GOVERNMENTWIDE COMMERCIAL PURCHASE CARD IN-HOUSE TRAINING FOR GCPC Approving Officials Cardholders -. 4. Determine if any special requirements or approvals are required.-Correct DoD's Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card data to identify high-risk, support declared contingency operations in Afghanistan. using public office for private gain Which of the following terms is defined as "the intentional use of the government-issued charge card in violation of applicable regulations". According to 10 united states code 2784, which two of the following could result from a governmentwide commercial purchase card program violation? Which Of the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Program's Mandatory oversight procedures involves validating that all data mining cases are closed and assessing the key purchasing and management internal controls? Procurement Business intelligence service (PBIS) /////, When Using a Governmentwide Purchase Card, Which of the following is prohibited purchase. Federal law requires that funds must be available before any government purchase is made. Frustrated freight may never reach the intended recipient. 10 United States Code 2784 requires specific corrective actions for Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Program violations 5. Which three of the following are advantages of using the Governmentwide commercial purchase card? The Cardholder must receive customized training. Operating expenses for the year were $2,750,000. Which of the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Program's mandatory oversight procedures is a consolidation of the previous Monthly Agency/Organization Program Coordinator Reviews? Violating a specific-use Policy Dame of the requestor Suspected ethics violations should be reported to: Who is responsible for verifying proof of delivery for all governmentwide purchase card transactions during the monthly transaction review? -Reconcile the monthly Statement of Account. What did you do wrong? CLG 0010 Do D Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Overview Exam. With annual expenditures of approximately $13.7B, the purchase card is the primary payment and procurement method for purchases under $2,500 (often referred to as micro-purchases). 72 0 obj <> endobj Decrease penalties for faulty disputes -Recovery of costs from Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card officials. wrong. - Frustrated Freight What are two advantages of the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment? Effective Date: Immediately. Self Generated Cardholder Purchases-Correct, In order to use the governmentwide Commercial Purchase card for simplified acquisitions up to $25,000 outside the united states and its jurisdictions, the cardholder, merchant, and supply delivery/service execution must all be outside the united states and its jurisdictions. -, You receive a request to purchase construction services. Which of the following are you authorized to accept? Cardholder, merchant, and supply delivery/service execution must all be outside. Ordering officer appointments are distinct from the Governmentwide commercial Purchase card cardholder appointments what are three violations of these executive orders? CLG 0010 DoD Governmentwide Commercial Card Exam-Which Of the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Program's Mandatory oversight procedures involves validating that all data mining cases are closed . ESTABLISHING THE ARMY NAF PURCHASE CARD PROGRAM: a. What is the objective of operational planning? An official website of the General Services Administration. Interest penaltiesb. Sorry if its hard to read as well. FAR 13.301 -- Governmentwide commercial purchase card. Purchases of travel (airline, bus, boat, or train tickets) or travel-related expenses. participating in the DoD Government wide Commercial Government Purchase Card (GPC) Program. Lab Report #11 - I earned an A in this lab class. Which of the following terms is defined as "the intentional use of the Government-issued charge card in violation of applicable regulations"? The Government reimburses the third party at a later date for the third partys payment to the contractor. 1. used to make mission-essential purchases 2. similar in nature to a commercial credit card 3. reduced invoicing costs cardholders may be granted authority to use their governmentwide commercial purchase card accounts to make payments against contracts true What is the artificial intelligence Data Mining platform that automatically analyzes the DoD's Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card data to identify high-risk transactions 6. A document reflecting all purchases and credits that have been posted to the CH's account during a 30-day billing cycle. \end{matrix} Unlock answers (19) question. what did you do wrong? The Government Purchase Card (GPC) mission is to streamline payment procedures and reduce the administrative burden associated with purchasing supplies and services. We're available through e-mail, live chat and Facebook. Which Governmentwide commercial purchase card program mandatory oversight procedures? Better Buy uses a perpetual inventory system. avoid prompt payment interest DoD-level GPC Policy Required Training -No Ordering Officer may be appointed util they have received training commensurate with their delegated authority. Which three items describe external fraud, Includes billing for items not ordered yo agree to make the purchase, and the construction company accepts your governmentwide commercial purchase card as the method of purchase. The Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card __ used as the method of payment for commercial training requests using the SF-182 valued at or below $25000 in lieu of an employee reimbursement by miscellaneous payment. (1) Make micro-purchases; (2) Place a task or delivery order (if authorized in the basic contract, basic ordering agreement, or blanket purchase agreement); or. 1-7. In such cases, payments under the contract shall be made in accordance with the clause at 52.232-33, Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer-System for Award Management, or 52.232-34, Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer-Other Than System for Award Management, as appropriate (see FAR 32.1110(d)). Which of the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Program's mandatory oversight procedures involves the Approving/Billing Official documenting findings and disciplinary category determinations? What four steps are used to accomplish this objective? These procedures will address requirements related to which three of the following? Decrease penalties for faulty disputes COM. Better Buy purchases inventory in crates of merchandise; each crate of inventory is a unit. Exceeding the applicable micro-purchase Threshold Cardholders who have been formally granted the appropriate authority in their Letter of Delegation may use the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card to make Simplified acquisitions up to $25,000 outside the United States and its jurisdictions The Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card ___ used as the method of payment for commercial training . What is defined as any felonious act of corruption or attempt to cheat the Government or corrupt the Government's agents by charge card program officials? -Require a Primary Approving/Billing Official. Several personnel in your office have This chapter addresses the policy directives and required procedures for procurements made using the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Program. I dont know, Answers are wrong. Small Business The Government is not relieved of its obligation to pay for valid transactions made prior to the loss. Docmerit is super useful, because you study and make money at the same time! One of the most useful resource available is 24/7 access to study guides and notes. In order to mitigate DoD GPC program risk, controls are required for authorization to include any very high-risk (e.g., MCC 7273, Dating Services) or high-risk MCCs on an account's This building is larger than needed; however, the excess space can be sublet for 25 years at a net annual rental of$7,000. Whose Responsibility is it to comply with government agency standards of conduct? Ordering officer purchases and payments Policies, Procedures and Tools . With a profile at Docmerit you are definitely prepared well for your exams. CLG 0010 EXAM Which three of the following constitute Cardholder fraud? In step 10 of the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Program, what are three pieces of information that should be included in the Cardholder Purchase Log? Whose responsibility is it to comply with Government agency Standards of Conduct? (Select the three that apply.) Frustrated . Defrauding the government As required by Appendix B of the Circular, this plan outlines the policies and procedures used by the Department of Defense (DoD) to ensure that the objectives of the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card (GPC) Program are realized and that an effective system 2. -A Cardholder's unauthorized purchase of power tools for personal use. Date on which the item/service was ordered. 1.2. /////////// The two executive orders 12674 and 12731 serve as the cornerstone of the policy governing government employees' ethical behavior in the government-wide commercial purchase card programs mandatory oversight procedures involve confirming that all data mining situations have been resolved and evaluating significant acquisitions. Ensure adequate and appropriate funds are available-Correct The Army issues a task order to the servicing bank for its GPC services. Total Dollar value of the transaction question. 6 Years////// Which two of the following must be included in supporting documentation for all governmentwide Commercial Purchase card Transactions? Use of the Government purchase card streamlines the acquisition process . Answer- 10 years. It is DCMA policy to: a. Description The DoD Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card (GPC) Overview module was designed to help GPC Program participants learn how to make and process GPC transactions in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, and policies. According to 10 United States Code 2784, which two of the following could result from a Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Program violation? Which of the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Program's mandatory oversight procedures involves the Approving/Billing Official documenting findings and . commercial training request using the SF-182, valued at or below $25,000, in lieu of an An Unauthorized commitment is an agreement that is not binding solely because the agreement involved a purchase amount above the micro-purchase threshold. N3029A17RC020FS Page 39 of 39 Section Supplies or Services and Price ITEM NO SUPPLIESSERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 0001 1 Each $664498 $664498 DELL POWEREDGE R330XD After obtaining all necessary approvals, you call the construction company, which advises you that the cost for its services will total $2,400. Purchases for which no funding is available. 102 0 obj <>stream After obtaining all necessary approvals, you call the construction company, which advises you that the cost for its services will total $2,400. Complete appropriate Training The contractor (hereinafter referred to as the "Servicing Bank") provides commercial GPCs and associated services. Authorized uses of the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card include which three of the following? 0 Ordering Officer purchases and payments, c. Commercial training requirements using the SF-182, Which of the following terms is defined as "the international use of the Government-, issued charge card in violation of applicable regulations"? avoid pecuniary liability, 10 United States Code 2784 requires specific corrective actions for Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Program violations, Which three of the following constitute cardholder fraud, A cardholder's unauthorized purchase of power tools for personal use Suspected ethics violations should be reported to: DoD policy allows for governmentwide commercial purchase card billing statement certification prior to verification that all items submitted for payment have been received in order to, Allow for maximum refunds Failing to purchase from mandatory sources, Exceeding the applicable micro-purchase threshold, Splitting requirements to avoid card threshold, Commercial training requirements using the SF-, Is committed by someone other than charge card program official, Copyright 2023 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, CLG 001 DoD Governmentwide Commercial Purchase, commercial training request using the SF-182, valued at or below $25,000, in lieu of an. Invoice purchase supplies and services in accordance with the FAR and agency policy . If transactions not made by the Cardholder appear on the Statement of Account, the Cardholder should dispute them with the card-issuing bank within how many days of the transaction date? What are three authorized uses of the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card? Which of the following is the term for a shipment of supplies or equipment that is delayed along the transportation chain and will not move until all problems are resolved? When the GPC is used as a method of payment against a contract. How is stock market performance evaluated? -DoD must take steps to recover the cost of any illegal, improper, or erroneous purchase made with a GPC. What are three examples of misuse of the governmentwide commercial Purchase card? Reconcile the monthly statement of account, Who's Responsibility is it to comply with government agency standards of conduct, Approving/billing Officer . These procedures include program controls and invoice payments. Small business Interim Rule. True Whose responsibility is it to comply with Government agency Standards of Conduct? You made a purchase for construction with the governmentwide commercial purchase card that exceeded $2,000. You agree to make the purchase, and the construction company accepts your Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card as the method of purchase. What is the first step to follow when a Card holder becomes aware of a lost or stolen card or check? Open-Market Micro-Purchases An official website of the United States Government, FAC Number: 2023-01 Effective Date: 12/30/2022. CLG 001 DoD Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Overview Exam 100%. -Name of the requestor. In step 10 of the governmentwide commercial purchase card program, what are three pieces of information that should be included in the cardholder purchase log Name of the requestor Total Dollar Value of the transaction Date on which the item/service was ordered How many cardholder accounts may be rolled up under a managing account? which three of the following are cardholder considerations before purchase? \text{Dec (62,000 units at \$68)..} & \text{4,216,000 }\\ An official website of the United States Government, FAC Number: 2023-01 Effective Date: 12/30/2022. Explain how South America's population patterns have been shaped by ethnic diversity, physical geography, migration, and urban growth. 8Years//// -Overseas purchases up to $25,000 -Payment against an existing contract -Open-market micro-purchases Frustrated freight may never reach the intended recipient. Target Attendees This sales person offers to give you a gift card in the amount of the discount rather than adjusting the price. (a) The clause at 52.232-36, Payment by Third Party, governs when a contractor submits a charge against the purchase card for contract payment. (c) The Governmentwide commercial purchase card may be used to- (1) Make micro-purchases; (2) Place a task or delivery order (if authorized in the basic contract, basic ordering agreement, or blanket purchase agreement); or (3) Make payments, when the contractor agrees to accept payment by the card (but see 32.1108 (b) (2)). Which Of the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card Program's Mandatory oversight procedures involves validating that all data mining cases are closed and assessing the key purchasing and managemen. Docmerit is a great platform to get and share study resources, especially the resource contributed by past students and who have done similar courses. 20 laptops at $500 each for a total price of $10,000. Description THIS COURSE WILL RETIRED AND BE REPLACED BY CLG 0010 02 JUNE 2020. Building A: Purchase for a cash price of $600,000, useful life 25 years. An Approving/Billing Official (A/BO) is authorized to be a Cardholder (CH) under the same Managing Account (MA) for which they are an A/BO. Prerequisite(s) None Predecessor Course(s) Predecessor: Predecessor Course Title: PDS Code: Authorized uses of the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card include which three of the following? In step 10 of the governmentwide commercial purchase card program, what are three pieces of information that should be included in the cardholder purchase log, Name of the requestor involved a purchase amount above the micro-purchase threshold. What is defined as any felonious act of corruption or attempt to cheat the Government, or corrupt the Government's agents by charge card program officials? The Governmentwide purchase card may be used to (1) Make . CARD OVERVIEW EXAM, CLG 001 DoD Government Commercial Purchase Ca, Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics, Douglas A. Lind, Samuel A. Wathen, William G. Marchal, David R. Anderson, Dennis J. Sweeney, James J Cochran, Jeffrey D. Camm, Thomas A. Williams, Alexander Holmes, Barbara Illowsky, Susan Dean. Reduced invoicing costs What are three examples of abuse of the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card? 92 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<610C72AECFB0C341819B815E6E8299C8><44257CF0ADB30045B33FDB8067EFAB6B>]/Index[72 31]/Info 71 0 R/Length 100/Prev 88866/Root 73 0 R/Size 103/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream what are two advantages of the procurement integrated enterprise environment? - ANSWER-True, If required office paper is available from a mandatory source of supply (such as the. Pursuant to 10 U.S.C. Which three of the following statements are true? Use the Governmentwide commercial purchase card as the method of purchase and/or method of payment for purchases valued at or below the micro -purchase threshold. 20 laptops at $500 each for a total price of $10,000. Liberty University DoD's Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card data to identify high-risk Authorized uses of the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card include: Failure to certify a Managing Account Billing Statement is a timely manner results in what three things? Account? who is responsible for making regular reviews of existing cardholders and their monthly spending limit, in step 12 of the governmentwide commercial purchase card program process, what are three, Transactions where the Governmentwide Commercial Purchase Card is used as a method of payment When you get back to the office, you realize that the envelope size will not meet the requirement, so you return the item to the merchant. In which building would you recommend that The Black Knights Inc. locate, assuming a 12% cost of funds? Take this Answer sheet with a grain of salt. (c) The Governmentwide commercial purchase card may be used to - (1) Make micro-purchases; (2) Place a task or delivery order (if authorized in the basic contract, basic ordering agreement, or blanket purchase agreement); or (3) Make payments, when the contractor agrees to accept payment by the card (but see 32.1108 (b) (2) ). You even benefit from summaries made a couple of years ago. What is the first step to follow when a Card holder becomes aware of a lost or stolen card or check? Which of the following is an appropriate circumstance for using a convenience check? Reduced Invoicing Costs 3321, 3322, 3327, 3335, 3901, and Public Law 112-194. POLICY. Looking for U.S. government information and services? The Government Purchase Card (GPC) Program (also known as the GSA SmartPay Program) provides charge cards to agencies/departments throughout the U.S. Government.The GPC Program is intended to streamline the small purchase and the payment process, minimize paperwork, eliminate imprest fund transactions, and generally simplify the administrative effort associated with procuring goods and . What did you do wrong? Rental payments will be received at the end of each year. Commercial Training requirements using the SF-182-New. 2784 mandate that DoD use effective systems, techniques, and technologies to prevent or identify potential fraudulent purchases? You receive a request to purchase construction services. Who is the individual responsible for ensuring the existence, accuracy, and legality of information on managing account billing statement? - ANSWER-Increased scrutiny, What must the Cardholder do to become qualified to make Governmentwide, Commercial Purchase Card purchases up to $25,000 outside of the United States and, its jurisdictions? Repeat the part (a) assuming that you know that the population standard deviation is =100\sigma=100=100. Subpart 13.3 - Simplified Acquisition Methods, Civilian Agency Acquisition Council (CAAC), Interagency Suspension and Debarment Committee (ISDC). -The Government is not relieved of its obligation to pay for valid transactions made prior to the loss CLG 0010 DoD Governmentwide Commercial Card Exam 1) Internal Control Reviews 2)Procurement Management Reviews 3) Quarterly Data Mining Case Validation Reviews 4) Semi-Annual Head of Activity Reviews "in step 12 of the governmentwide commercial purchase card program process, what are three situations in which the acceptor must ensure written independent receipt and acceptance?" . The use of the Governmentwide Commercial purchase Card, 3322, 3327,,! Semester exams office paper is available from a Governmentwide purchase Card Transactions purchases of travel ( airline bus! Credits that have been posted to the CH 's account during a 30-day cycle! 24/7 access to study guides and notes procedures and reduce the administrative associated... 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With the Governmentwide Commercial purchase Card Transactions requires specific corrective actions for Governmentwide Commercial purchase Card officials 600,000... Life 25 years are cardholder considerations before purchase 0010 02 JUNE 2020,!
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